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by James Joyce
Henry James’s novels and classics of American and world literature, author of the novels American, Woman Portrait, Wings of the Dove, Ambassadors, etc., are included in the book into the world of psychological mysteries, superstitious expectations, mysterious, terrible and sometimes unexplained events. The novel entitled The Turning of the Screw, which gave the title to the collection, became a kind of "calling card" of James the Innovator and won numerous screen adaptations. The original interpretation of the motive of meeting with ghosts brought the story closer to the parapsychological...
Number of pages: ~ 160 pages

by James Joyce
James Joyce (1882-1941) is the greatest Irish classis writer and at the same time the destroyer of the classic cannons. Thanks to him, new schools of literature and trends of the 20th century arose. The novel “Ulysses” (1922) is his main work that was not once recognized as the best and the most significant novel during the entire period of existing of this genre. The novel determined the further development of the art of prose. “Ulysses” is a story about a one day of life of a man, who lived in a small European town. This story accommodates all the literature - all of its styles and...
Number of pages: ~ 228 pages